This is Markusas,
I would like to dedicate a whole page for him because he is a very special doggy.
When I arrived to the shelter 8 months ago I met Markusas. He was very scared of me, they explained me how I had to feed him, the way to take him from the cage and the place where he always wanted to go.
I didn´t know what was the problem with him in that moment and actually I didn´t ask either.
I was sure with the time he would trust me a little bit. It was impossible to pet or brush him and I really wanted to do it.
I was triying tricks to pet him like cover my hand with towels and pet him or putting a big glove and brush him the dead hair... but I noticed that it was really scary for him even with the time passing, so I decided to stop because I didn´t want to stress him so much.
Now after 8 months, Markusas is at the same point.
For me it is really sad because with every doggy who arrives to the shelter I can notice big improvements in their behaviour when they get used to the new place. I could also notice the difference between the beginning when they didn´t know me and days after.
When they explained me the true story about markusas I could understand him better.
The situation of Markusas was very complicated. He was living in a village house with "not very friendly" people. Markusas was one of the 20 doggies who was living there. All of them were in really bad condition, they were hit by their owners frequently.
Due to all these factors markusas is now like this.
These are some of the pictures:
Sadly, a lot of stories of animals in shelters are similar, but the animals are also very different and the way to channel everything is distinct.
They told me Markusas improved a lot from the beginning till now. Before this little dog didn´t want to go out from his cage and nobody could be close to him.
Currently the volunteers are feeding him from the hand - as a suggestion of one trainer- , and he is comfortable with that. Anyways he is not able to be ped and to go for a long walks. He only wants to do the same routine everyday, to eat in the same place and go through the same route.
So Markusas´s life is sad in the shelter and although the volunteers give him a lot of love, he needs more. The situation makes it really difficult to give markusas for adoption.
Hopefully some day someone accepts to take care of him and makes him happy :)